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I am a Certified Coach with a Masters Degree in Health Education. I currently offer a variety of Resilience Services, including individual coaching and two types of group classes.


Walks on the beach, a good cup of tea, and meaningful conversations are some of my favorite things. I have been married to my husband for 23 years, and have two daughters and a labradoodle.


In 2008, I experienced my own personal physical break down - the kind of burnout that happens when you are running on empty for far too long, but you keep pushing through. Eventually my body had enough and it forced me to pay attention. I sought medical diagnoses and treatments but these seemed to fall short. The answer that eventually came in 2014 surprised me; it was not medical intervention, it was not more rest, and it was not more hard work. Using self-directed neuroplasticity concepts, as taught by The Dynamic Neural Retraining System (DNRS), I had the opportunity to rebuild my resilience using a variety of tools that I could practice at home on my own. Not only did this drastically improve my health, I also began to experience joy and freedom. I also hit some plateaus along the way and benefitted from thinking outside the box about recovery. Rebuilding took a few years, and during that time I discovered alternatives to white knuckling my way through life. I have continued to learn about the nervous system and the many ways to bring it back into regulation using both top-down (brain-based) tools and bottom-up (body-based) tools.


In the past eight years, I have coached, taught, created and recorded original content, and I have also mentored other coaches. I love to encourage others on their journey to increase resilience and bounce back from life's challenges; the services I offer provide education and a variety of practical life skills to those who are struggling, so they can thrive too. If that is you, I hope you find encouragement and support here.


Cheering you on!


Jana M Smith



BS in Health Education, Minor in Biology

Master of Arts in Teaching Health Education


Mental Health Coach

Nervous System and Somatics Coach

Jana M Smith

Read more about my recovery process

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